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Freelance Brand Strategist and Creative Director, Owen Hughes joined us for an Instagram Live to discuss leadership and mental health.

He talked us through lessons learnt from his time heading up Wolff Olins’ London office including; advice on looking after your own mental health and that of your team, the difference between leading a project vs. a department, and how to best work with charities.

WE PROVIDE honest advice and practical skills FOR designers in the middle of their careers

Being a designer is about way more than design and this becomes vividly clear in the middle of your career. When professionally, you are starting to lead projects, mentor juniors and build client relationships, all whilst balancing new responsibilities in your personal life.

There are many amazing initiatives and resources out there for designers at the start of their careers, but far fewer options tailored to more senior designers. The Middle School aims to fill that gap by providing open, affordable events and online content.


Common questions


Who is it for?

The Middle School is aimed at designers working between Middleweight and Creative Director level.

Our focus is on the skills you need to succeed, beyond the design basics. We will cover topics such as presenting, leadership and mental health, through to art direction and strategy.

Why A School?

We aren’t a real school offering qualifications, but use the term loosely to reflect our commitment to passing on practical knowledge, not just inspiration. We also love that a school is a place you can learn as much from your peers, as those teaching.

Our guests come from the design industry and beyond, and are all at various phases of their career. As well as designers, you'll hear from copywriters, strategists, directors, photographers and more.

Why Is It Important?

We believe that helping more people to stay in the industry, realise their potential, and become better leaders, will be a small step towards tackling our wider industry problems around diversity and mental health.



We run a series of different events in both physical and digital spaces. Click the links below to find out more.

Make sure you follow us on Instagram and Twitter for the latest updates.



The Middle School is run by Alison Haigh, a Design Director at Accept & Proceed in London (who is very much in the middle herself).

If you have any questions, or are interested in speaking or volunteering at our events, please get in touch at

Follow us @the_middle_sch on both Instagram and Twitter